How to adjust your settings

How to adjust your settings

Step 1.Click on the link , login by your user name then go to setting.


Step 2. Fill in the box as shown in the example below.

  • Merchant Logo – Click on browse to add image of your restaurant.
  • Merchant header/Background – Click on the browse to add background image or cover image.
  • Food Item option – Choose from the option below.
  • Two flavor option – Choose from the option.
  • Menu option – Choose from the option below.



  • Receipt Options –Enter the tax number of your restaurant.
  • Printing Options – Fill in the box below as per your choice.
  • Free Delivery Option – Enter the amount for delivery above subtotal order.
  • Merchant open/close – Choose from the option below.
  • External website – Enter your website address if available.
  • Enabled voucher– Click on the box if voucher available.
  • Minimum Order Delivery – Enter the amount of minimum purchase.


  • Maximum Order Delivery – Enter the amount of maximum purchase.
  • Minimum Order Pickup – Enter the minimum purchase amount for order pickup.( for e.g. Rs.400)
  • Maximum Order pickup - Enter the maximum purchase amount for order pickup.( for e.g. Rs.10,000)
  • Dine in
  1. Minimum purchase amount – Enter the minimum purchase amount for (dine in) in the restaurant.
  2. Maximum purchase amount - Enter the maximum purchase amount for (dine in) in the restaurant.
  • Packaging Charge – Tick on the box if packaging service is available.
  • Packaging Charge – Enter the amount of packaging charge.
  • Tax &Delivery Charge – Enter the tax amount. (For e.g. 13%), then tick on the box if tax is charge on food item.
  • Delivery charge – Enter the delivery charge amount.



  • Tips – Tick on the box if tips are available and choose from the option for default tip.
  • Store Hours – Choose from the option.
  • Store days open – Fill in the box from the options below.
  • Accept Pre- orders – Tick on the box if pre- orders are available.
  • Holidays – Enter the holidays of your restaurant.


Step 3.Click on the save to adjust your settings.

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